Now a Days Instagram is the most depressing social media network for wellbeing and mental health, according to a hufftimes survey almost 1,500 teens & young adults. The photo-based platform rated  for self-identity and self-expression, the survey was also related with the high levels of depressionanxietyFOMO and bullying, or the “fear of missing out any update.”

According to survey Out of five social networks, YouTube has received the highest points for wellbeing and health and it was the only website that received positive score by public. Twitter was ranked second, third was Facebook and then Snapchat— and with Instagram raising the back

The survey #StatusOfMind , was published by the UK Royal Society for Public Mental Health, which include the input from 1,479 young people (i.e ages from 14 to 24) from across ScotlandEnglandNorthern Ireland, Wales and now in India also. According to values  February to May of this year, people answered the questions that how different social media platforms impacted their 14 different mental health or physical health related issues.

There are some benefits of social media networking(Instagram, Facebook & Twitter). All of the websites received positive scores for self-expressionself-identity, building community and for emotional support, for example. YouTube also got high points for upbringing awareness of other people’s mental health, and for providing access to honest health information and for decreasing people’ levels of anxietydepression, and loneliness.

But all the Social Media Networks received negative points, as well—mainly for sleep quality, body imagebullying and for FOMO. And unlike YouTube, the other four social media networks are associated with the increases in depression and nervousness.

The previous studies have revealed that the people who spend more than two hours a day on social media networking sites are suffering from psychological distress and depression. 

“By Seeing friends on holiday or just enjoying nights out can make you feel like you are missing out while others are enjoying their life's” the reports of #StatusOfMind says the same. 

“Or When you sees that someone is posting their Relationships post, Clubbing, or just Traveling, even when you sees Couple Goals videos on Instagram, These feelings promote a ‘compare and despair’ attitude in your life and that may lead in depression.”

Most of the Social media posts are set unrealistic as per expectations and that create feelings of low self-esteem and inadequacy, the authors wrote. This explains why Instagram, where your personal photos take center stage, received the worst scores for anxiety and body image. As one of our survey said that, “Instagram easily makes women and girls feel as if their bodies aren’t good enough as Instagramers add filters and edit their pictures to look ‘perfect’.”

HuffTimes Research has found that the more a young adult uses social networks, the more he or she will get into anxiety and depression. Although we can say that the people with poor mental health are because of multiple social-media platforms (Especially Instagram).

To reduce these harmful effects of social media networks on young adults and children, the Royal Society is contacting to social media companies to make changes. The report says that the introduction of a pop-up “huge usage” warning within these websites or apps—and 71% of people in  survey said that they will support.

It also said that companies have to find a way to highlight when the photos of people have been digitally distracted, as well as to identify and will also offer help to users who are suffering from mental health problems. (A feature is also out on Instagram last year that allow users to flag anyones posts.)

The government will also help, said the report. Report calls for “safe social media use” learned during health education in schools, and for professionals who work with teens to be trained in digital media and social media and for more research on mental health effected by social media.

The HuffTimes Society hopes to empower teens & adults to use social networks “in only way that only promotes and protects their health. “The Social media will not stop soon, nor should it. We must have to be ready to nurture the innovation that holds our future.”


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